Every casino games has its fair share of conservative players, and although casinos typically despise these players they are more likely to make smart bets to win than lucky bets that win occasionally. If your method of fast and loose Baccarat play has led to a diminished bankroll and frustration with the game of Baccarat, keep reading for tips on how to play conservative Baccarat.

You’re probably wondering what exactly is meant by ‘conservative Baccarat’, and it’s quite simple: conservative Baccarat is when you make small consistent bets on the banker in hopes of increasing your winnings each day. Despite the fact that this isn’t a proven Baccarat strategy, conservative players often fare much better than their loose counterparts because they take time to think about which bets will benefit them most.

Any true conservative Baccarat strategy strives to slow down the game as much as any one player can. It is the goal of the casinos to play as many hands as possible because the odds are in their favor and the more hands played, the more money the casino wins. Never feel pressured to play every hand; if you want to sit out a hand you’re always free to do so. Slow down your play and don’t rush to place a bet for each round. Because Baccarat is a game of chance, it is recommended that you sit out a few hands instead of betting every hand.

The defining characteristic of all conservative players in Baccarat or any other casino game is patience. Every conservative player sits back and waits for the good cards to come to them instead of betting on every hand trying to ‘make their own luck’. However, because there’s no “memory” in Baccarat it is difficult to wait for a winning hand so many players use the following two methods:

1. If either the player or the banker wins 3 times in a row, on the fourth round, bet on the opposite to win.
2. If the banker or player wins 4 times in a row, bet on the opposite to win on the fifth round.

It should be noted that this is only recommended one time. Whether you choose to base your bet on 3 or 4 wins, you should only bet the opposite on the 4th or 5th round then commence with your normal betting strategy. The odds of any one side winning consecutively are very slim so when the opportunity arises take advantage of the impossibility of it happening again. A conservative player exploits advantages where he finds them regardless of systems and strategies.

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