Bet Responsibly when Playing Roulette

By this point you have probably looked up various Roulette strategies and have probably found that some of them don’t work or, if they do work, they don’t work that often. Truth is, Roulette is a game that is based entirely on chance, which means there is no guarantee you’re going to win. There are no mathematical formulas that guarantee constant winnings and you will not find any biased games. You will also find that casinos watch their dealers very carefully to make sure they are not rigging the game in any way although rigging is hard in a game of chance.

So here are some tips when playing Roulette:

  • If you can, try to play on a European Roulette wheel since it has one less number than the wheels you will normally find in the U.S. If you can’t find one, that is okay, but it is worth a try. But because people are demanding European Roulette wheels in American casinos, they are becoming a little more used in the United States.
  • As far as your bets, you want to begin with even money bets (red/black, low/high). Don’t fall for the straight up bets because although they may tempt you with their 35/1 payout potential, you will more than likely burn through your money before one of those is even in your sights.
  • Split your money into smaller amounts so that your game will last longer and allow you to have fun rather than be stressed about the possibility of running out of money.
  • If you are losing, make smaller bets and if you are winning, increase your bets. This is opposite of some strategies that say you should double your bets until you win so that you can make up your money and gain a unit. That particular strategy is dangerous although advantageous when you win, but can result in you burning through your bankroll faster than you would like.

Since Roulette is based completely on chance or, as some will say, based on luck, the real strategy lies in how you bet your money. You don’t want to increase on lost bets because that means you are going to have to make up for more in the long run and are running the risk of using up your bankroll before you can get your money back. So many run into this scenario and have to walk away from the table with a considerable amount left than what they entered the game with.

The most important thing when playing Roulette is having fun. It is a social game that allows you to interact with others and reap the benefits of free drinks and great game play. Again, bet responsibly so that you can expand upon your fun and make your game last a while. Besides, you aren’t there to walk in the door and walk back out thirty minutes later. You’re there to stay a while and win some cash if only a little.

Read more Roulette Strategy Guides.